Monday, July 2, 2012


THANKS to everyone who got their checks to Lynn by the 6/27 date we put out there to permit us to firm up the prepared food order.

As of today, 24 classmates have paid for 32 adults, totaling $850 in hand.   Another three people arranged payment with Liz.  Gold stars to us all.  ;-)  That means we know we can at least cover the cost of the tent/tables/chairs & the prepared food that Liz ordered.  Now, we're working on the $500 for the band plus incidentals (ingredients for salads & sides, paper products, condiments, soft drinks, ice, etc).  At this point, we're expecting 54 adults and 6 children for the meal and at least 10 more people to arrive after 7p.m.

IF YOU HAVE NOT YET PAID, PLEASE PLAN TO BRING CASH TO THE REUNION!  Or if you live near Canton, please feel free to drop off your payment at Liz's house some time this week (nothing like a little extra peace of mind for the reunion planners).

REMINDER of what else to bring to the reunion:  a dessert, your beverage of choice (this is a BYOB affair), memorabilia (photos & invitations from past reunions particularly welcome!!!), and pool garb if you plan to swim.

Big THANKS also to the 24 people who sent their regrets and confirmed that the contact info we have for you is correct. We are sorry you won't be able to join the fun this time around but it has been nice hearing from many of you via email.   PLEASE if you haven't gotten around to it, send along a recent photo of you and/or your family and a brief update on your life or any news you want to share.  A few of us are getting together on Friday and will compile some kind of 'there in spirit' collage.

I don't know what to say to those who haven't made a peep in response to our various updates so I think I'll stay in my usual lala land and assume you don't check the email account we're using for reunion communication.  But should you get this and want to jump on the bandwagon, it's definitely not too late to RSVP and attend!  7 others have remained on the fence and we're still silently pressuring them to do the right thing and come!  ;-)

LASTLY, please help get out the word to non-'77 alums who attended CHS when we did.  Please think about who still lives within an hour of Canton and let them know that we very much would love to see them after 7pm!   Even 10 additional people paying $15 will help ensure we have enough moolah to pay all the bills.  And the band will appreciate a larger crowd, I'm sure. 

Looking forward to seeing many of you on Saturday,

(on behalf of the 35th reunion planners)

1 comment:

Nan said...

Lynn reports that several more checks arrived after she departed NC (her husband is kindly checking the mail and depositing checks), and we now have collected close to $1,000. We're getting there!